Home Journals AL for Governance Journal – Climate Action

AL for Governance Journal – Climate Action

Africa has made great efforts in driving the global climate agenda. This is demonstrated by the very high levels of ratification of the Paris Agreement – over 90%. Many African nations have committed to transitioning to green energy within a relatively short time frame. Clean energy and agriculture are, for example, prioritized in over 70% of African NDCs. This ambition needs to be an integral part of setting the economic development priorities of the continent. However, even with the opportunities, the continent and its leaders are not acting fast enough.

This edition of the AL for Governance Journal focuses on representing the voices of youth who are in research and doing work around climate change governance and policy. The journal aims to highlight climate challenges and opportunities within the continent. Our journal underwent a rigorous multi-stage editorial review process to ensure quality and ethical due diligence. While it is a non-academic journal publication, we value scholarly points of reference and expect our authors to maintain a level of academic excellence in their writing.



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